As a result of these challenges, warranty management should be a top-priority topic in companies. With this, the course is set for process, contractual and methodical implementation in such a way that these implementations are still applicable to future business. When processes are defined clearly, roles are assigned to individual process steps and required methods are locked down in a toolbox, employees will be well armed to face any operational challenges. Clarification as to which tasks can be automated should also be given so that the employees can be deployed more efficiently for the real problems and cost drivers. A radar function like this can be set up based on warranty and trade data and partly automated. This means that valuable time is saved in validating and refining data within normal regress procedures ( see box on page 20). Using structured processing, it produces a whole series of points which could be used to initiate an appeal (see above image). Via the systematic analysis of data made available by the OEM within the year, up to 30% of implausible or erroneous data are winnowed out in general. In addition, thanks to the data display, patterns can be recognized that would normally go unnoticed when presented in a list (see image below).
Pattern recognition can be used to negotiate commodity baskets or technical factors for the bests interests of your business. Here, too, the person with the best starting position is the one who has valid numbers, data and facts to make their argument. The systematic preparation and assessment of data in normal regress is thus a very important building block for cost reduction in warranty management.
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