CAQ software from Babtec in action

QM Knowledge: With CAQ to Optimal Quality

Joséphine Fresen / 26.04.2023

A CAQ system (Computer Aided Quality) is an important component of quality management and is used for computer-aided avoidance and elimination of errors in planning and production. CAQ offers the possibility to monitor and check the planning and production process in detail and to analyze quality-relevant data.

What does CAQ offer?

A fast-moving market, closely networked processes and the daily flood of data: In a company's daily routine, all of this is almost impossible to keep track of without adequate tools. With the help of CAQ, exactly those key figures can be filtered out that are needed. CAQ is therefore an excellent tool for maintaining an overview despite large amounts of data.

A CAQ system encompasses all relevant methods for ensuring the quality of processes and products, including incoming and outgoing goods inspections, FMEA, and complaints management. In order for users to be able to use exactly the solutions they really need (the vertical range of manufacture of the respective company plays a decisive role here), most CAQ systems work with a modular structure. This allows companies to exploit the potential of CAQ systems according to their needs and achieve the optimal product and process quality for them. Even very tight process networking can be easily monitored with CAQ.

One CAQ Solution for All Processes

In order for users to be able to adequately cover all aspects of production planning and execution with computer-aided methods, a CAQ solution ideally includes all common QM tools. An active PDCA cycle, which is an essential concept in quality management and contributes to the development of high-quality products, opens up enormous potential. Ideally, all relevant quality data can be exchanged within the CAQ system, for example, between FMEA, inspection planning, audit, complaint, and action management, as well as many other modules. With the help of the information gained from this, the entire process is continuously optimized. In addition, the knowledge is made available company-wide. When using CAQ, it is especially important that the solution can be optimally connected to the company's existing software landscape (such as ERP or CRM software). This ensures a uniform data stock.

With CAQ to more quality

Modern quality management requires the use of computer-aided methods - this is the only way companies can meet today's complex demands. This is where the CAQ system comes into play, because the name says it all: computer-aided quality assurance guarantees a fully comprehensive and, above all, sustainable integration and safeguarding of the core value of quality in all functional areas of a company.

The development of the idea of quality reflects the development of the industry; and so quality management has also changed continuously. A QM system must constantly evolve through regular improvements and innovations. This is the best way to take advantage of the benefits: Data is evaluated and recorded more quickly and document control is promoted. A QM system thus sustainably increases performance and quality.

CAQ modules with their numerous advantages also prevail against manual methods. Not only because of standard requirements, but also in view of the ever-increasing expectations of customers regarding a product, companies should decide in favor of a fully comprehensive CAQ system - this way they are on the safe side.

CAQ is Important and Remains Important

If you want to prevail in the long run, you can no longer limit yourself to merely reacting to quality deficiencies and errors, but must become active and think preventively.  CAQ software providers offer companies the tools they need to maintain an overview in a convenient and practical manner, to improve the quality of internal company processes and to assert themselves on the market in the long term.



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