Modern quality management requires the use of computer-aided methods - this is the only way companies can meet today's complex demands. This is where the CAQ system comes into play, because the name says it all: computer-aided quality assurance guarantees a fully comprehensive and, above all, sustainable integration and safeguarding of the core value of quality in all functional areas of a company.
The development of the idea of quality reflects the development of the industry; and so quality management has also changed continuously. A QM system must constantly evolve through regular improvements and innovations. This is the best way to take advantage of the benefits: Data is evaluated and recorded more quickly and document control is promoted. A QM system thus sustainably increases performance and quality.
CAQ modules with their numerous advantages also prevail against manual methods. Not only because of standard requirements, but also in view of the ever-increasing expectations of customers regarding a product, companies should decide in favor of a fully comprehensive CAQ system - this way they are on the safe side.
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