Modern production is characterized by close connections between companies. This is an agile network in which each business partner contributes to the quality of the products. And makes it all the more challenging to bring structure to diverse and unstructured communication content, both internally as well as across companies.
For users, the introduction of the new, cloud-based service Qube.SPOT creates undreamed-of opportunities. They can communicate with internal and external users at no extra charge – regardless of whether the respective company uses BabtecQ or not. Whether for general concerns or concrete tasks and actions – the application possibilities are almost unlimited. And the application examples are just as diverse: Whether for ideas, tasks or actions to govern work procedures or for process optimization: Users choose what they want to use the service for. Spots are created internally and allow users to edit within their own company, whilst external spots target cooperation across company boundaries.
Many traditional quality tools, such as complaints management, are only used once problems have already been identified. However, preventing complaints in the first place is in the interest of all parties involved. A way of working and thinking that aims at prevention and cooperation promotes product quality and simultaneously improves business relationships. The logical step: Create a spot, add the employees, suppliers or customers concerned, start editing and solve the problem together.
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